Thursday, 8 April 2010



As we approach 30 years as an independent nation Communities Point continues to be disturbed with the maintenance and indeed enforcement of laws that are completely taking Zimbabwe away from democracy at a time when the world over has become progressive and is now moving towards the embracement of democracy as the system of governance in their countries.
Particular concern is on the punishment of behaviour that “denigrates” the President which in reality seeks to cushion the President from criticism. In Zimbabwe the presidency of political parties and the country is not a qualification or a hereditary title. The presidency is not a religious title. The Presidency is a political position which is subject to criticism by the electorate. Intimidating people who criticise President Robert Mugabe by jail terms mystifies him personally and the Presidency in general. This will be countervailing to the advancement of democracy that we collectively seek. Democracy is stubborn, it allows “ordinary” people to criticise people in high offices; something that could not be done had Zimbabwe been led a hereditary leader or even had we become a theocracy.
In 1965 when Zimbabweans embraced the armed struggle as a means to liberate themselves, they had a lot of choices to make. They could have decided that the way to go was for Zimbabwe to be a theocracy. They could have decide that Zimbabwe would reinstate it’s monarchs after independence. But the liberation was fought on a platform to usher in a new era where there was universal suffrage and everyone above 18years; black or white, had the right to vote for a leader of their choice. That right also means the right to avail oneself to election by seeking the mandate of the electorate. President Mugabe wants political power he has to be aware that at each time he will have competitors because there are people who also want that power. He cannot blow hot and cold at the same time. Those who want to compete him must not be punished for mentioning that they can only argue with him. His office must be demystified; he is not there because of the “muchero line” or because of an anointment from “Chakona and Maringowe”. Democratic leaders win the right to lead and therefore cannot be upped to the levels of mystiques.
As Zimbabwe continues on the path to normalcy, Communities Point urges the repeal of all laws that are countervailing to the advance of democracy. Particularly we urge the release of Councillor Nyamambi and all those in a similar position, incarcerated unjustly for “denigrating” the President because the President is not an ancient King. Rather he owes his own continued existence to his relationship with the electorate.

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