Wednesday, 14 April 2010


On Sunday 18 April 2010 Zimbabweans will mark 30 years of independence. A day before, the Zimbabwe Vigil, will be protesting to mark the 30 years of independence:

The Vigil has lost its feet in emotion. It is easy to say “we are not independent because ZANU PF has not kept its promises and in fact went on to commit gross crimes against humanity”. I suffered both during the Ian Smith era and again during the ZANU PF era and I am so sure I have ruffled a lot of feathers within the MDC [a party to which I am a historical] to convince me that I will suffer again under their own tutelage. During the Smith era I happened to be born to the “wrong family” of liberation fighters. Both my parents were involved with the struggle for Zimbabwe’s independence and I witnessed the restriction, arrest and humiliation of my father and mother. On the streets my father’s name was sung together with that of Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo: “Mutyambizi ibva kumhepo, une kasmero keumhondi! Mutyambizi stay away from the direction of the wind because you are a terrorist” because my father was a liberation fighter.
And even as ex-combatants moved into Assembly Points it was so clear that both ZIPRA and ZANLA guerrillas left some of their combatants out. Some of them ended up at our house with their rifles, guns and ammunition. Even at that age we were made to sing revolutionary songs and listen to Voice of Zimbabwe. Later in this phase of the struggle for democracy I found myself opposing the party that I had grown up breathing and eating and with that also came detention by people I had always known as my brothers and sisters. Hailing from Gokwe in the Midlands I must always say although I was still too young to have suffered personally, I recall the atrocities of Gukurahundi as they happened to people very close to me and in our neighbourhood. Yet I do not believe we can continue shunning independence whichever the political persuasion we identify with.
The Independence and Heroes’ days have a very significant character, the national character. They are not the days ZANU PF, ZAPU or MDC were formed. In the past we have allowed ZANU PF in particular to claim these special days by deciding to stay away. This is counter-productive because it feeds into ZANU PF’s line of propaganda: that forces opposed to the Party are opposed to the independence of Zimbabwe. The fixation with opposing everything ZANU PF does is not progressive at all because sometimes it represents tactical errors from which tactical withdrawal will be impossible. For whatever it is, Zimbabwe is an independent country. Some of the agents of that independence have indeed become our tormentors. They have maimed us, they have killed our relatives and friends, hey committed atrocities and they have stolen from us. But they were not alone. There are brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers who lost their lives at Nyadzonia, Tembwe, Mulungushi, Mkushi, Chimoio, Mboroma, Murogoro and in the bushes of Zimbabwe for the independence cause that every 18 April signifies. We cannot forget their sacrifice. There are a lot of war veterans still alive in Zimbabwe who survived dangerous situations for the independence of their country. That sacrifice cannot be in vain.
We can never forget that because of what has become of our country. We cannot forget Joshua Nkomo, Leopold Mukumwaidzi Tapfumaneyi Takawira, Lookout Masuku, Tar Silundika, Ziyaphapha Moyo, Joseph Culverwell, Guy-Clutton Brock and many others because of what has become of their former colleagues in the liberation of our country. The Vigil is advancing opportunism at the expense of activism. Choosing such a day to oppose Robert Mugabe when we are supposed to be united by the sacrifice of those departed comrades is the wrong turn to make. It speaks volumes of either immaturity or a different agenda or both. 18 April is not the 21st February which is President Mugabe’s birthday. On such a day the Vigil can do anything and it will be justified. 18 April is a different day. I do not think Rose and Dennis Benton, who identify themselves as British, will stop commemorating Remembrance Day and Armistice Day if they were Conservative simply because there is a Labour Government in power. I do not think it will be appropriate if the Stop the War Coalition were to mount their demonstrations on Remembrance Day and Armistice Day. There is sensitivity around those days. There should be sensitivity around our Independence and Heroes Days. If at all there is one thing we needed to do, the Independence and Heroes Days should be the two days people enter Zimbabwe House so that we commemorate together as one nation not members of particular political parties.
I fully subscribe to most of the ideals of the Zimbabwe Vigil and truly speaking I have been and will remain one its most erstwhile supporters. I am made to believe that I sit in the Vigil Committee which in fact is seldom consulted and when it is finally consulted it serves the purpose of simply endorsing pre-conceived agendas which are rushed to a table packed by willing diners to the cookies and cuisines from one or two individuals within the Zimbabwe Vigil power configurations. In fact Zimbabwe Vigil has actually fallen into the same pit that it criticises others of, there has been unwillingness to reconstitute the organisation so that the formation of structures is captured in a proper document such as a constitution.
The Vigil is supposed to be a coalition which includes other organisations such as Zimbabwe Association but there is no evidence that these are consulted in decision making which itself puts to question Zimbabwe Vigil’s mandate to call others to transparency. The organisation now formulates policies but this too is not formally guaranteed in the absence of its coalition partners making all the policies it has made onerous, unilateral and therefore unlawful. There are organisations that the Vigil calls sister organisations again there is nowhere to indicate that those sibling relationships were born out of a formal agreement and there is no written document to show who sanctioned such sibling relationships and the rules of engagement between the Vigil and such organisations. Power in the Vigil has now been dangerously left in the hands of Rose Benton and her husband and they have managed to rein in at their will few protégés who seem not to have a clue of why we have consistently opposed the ZANU PF regime and recently the emerging corruption, nepotism, lack of transparency and dictatorship in the Movement for Democratic Change.
The characteristics of the Vigil be it functional, personnel, structural and moral have on their own evolved to become an organisation but sadly all the years we have talked about transparency and democracy we actually wanted them to apply to others not us and now what we are seeing is a mutation that has brought about several mutagens within the Vigil against the advancement of democracy within the Vigil system. There seems to be a thinking that Canon Law applies to the other church and not our church which is a wrong assumption because the rule for transparency and democracy is universal. The fact that we have had the same people in the same positions and there has never been an election at the Vigil speaks volumes of the character of the philosophy and ethos the organisation aims at. The fact that they have persistently excluded its true coalition partners actually makes it more similar to the same ZANU PF they so much criticise because they are the ones who have always remorselessly excluded their coalition partners in the GPA. I have spoken about this within the Vigil itself but I was ignored and I have promised I will continue speaking about it and this is what I am doing. I am a firm believer in leadership renewal, I have made friends talking about it and I have made enemies talking about it. I know I will continue making friends and enemies because of my beliefs and I really do not worry much about that. Given a choice between excellence and mediocrity I will choose mediocrity over excellence if the later guarantees leadership renewal and democracy. I have always told people that even if Zimbabwe was as successful as the USA I would not vote President Robert Mugabe still because I do not believe any one person should hold political power for 30 years. I am aware of the excellence of a lot of people at the Vigil but they have been running the organisation for too long and they should make way for new leadership. There is no justification for people to hold positions they have held since 2002.
Julius MUTYAMBIZI-DEWA 07529705413 OR

Thursday, 8 April 2010



As we approach 30 years as an independent nation Communities Point continues to be disturbed with the maintenance and indeed enforcement of laws that are completely taking Zimbabwe away from democracy at a time when the world over has become progressive and is now moving towards the embracement of democracy as the system of governance in their countries.
Particular concern is on the punishment of behaviour that “denigrates” the President which in reality seeks to cushion the President from criticism. In Zimbabwe the presidency of political parties and the country is not a qualification or a hereditary title. The presidency is not a religious title. The Presidency is a political position which is subject to criticism by the electorate. Intimidating people who criticise President Robert Mugabe by jail terms mystifies him personally and the Presidency in general. This will be countervailing to the advancement of democracy that we collectively seek. Democracy is stubborn, it allows “ordinary” people to criticise people in high offices; something that could not be done had Zimbabwe been led a hereditary leader or even had we become a theocracy.
In 1965 when Zimbabweans embraced the armed struggle as a means to liberate themselves, they had a lot of choices to make. They could have decided that the way to go was for Zimbabwe to be a theocracy. They could have decide that Zimbabwe would reinstate it’s monarchs after independence. But the liberation was fought on a platform to usher in a new era where there was universal suffrage and everyone above 18years; black or white, had the right to vote for a leader of their choice. That right also means the right to avail oneself to election by seeking the mandate of the electorate. President Mugabe wants political power he has to be aware that at each time he will have competitors because there are people who also want that power. He cannot blow hot and cold at the same time. Those who want to compete him must not be punished for mentioning that they can only argue with him. His office must be demystified; he is not there because of the “muchero line” or because of an anointment from “Chakona and Maringowe”. Democratic leaders win the right to lead and therefore cannot be upped to the levels of mystiques.
As Zimbabwe continues on the path to normalcy, Communities Point urges the repeal of all laws that are countervailing to the advance of democracy. Particularly we urge the release of Councillor Nyamambi and all those in a similar position, incarcerated unjustly for “denigrating” the President because the President is not an ancient King. Rather he owes his own continued existence to his relationship with the electorate.

Friday, 2 April 2010



This scene is set at a Youth Forum. It is called the Reconciliation and Harmony Forum. The meeting is officially opened by the Convener.
Ok, my name is Joshua Borg, I am a Danish national. As the Convener of this conference I urge you to openly discuss but I still expect a mature debate. As you know racism together with xenophobia are some of the most enduring threats to globalisation in the new millennium. You are the new generation and you have responsibilities on your shoulders to take the matter forward. It is my expectation that some of you will participate at the World Economic Forum that is on the cards.
[he pauses]
And for the ground rules, you will sit in groups of eight and brainstorm. You will choose a moderator amongst yourselves who will chair the debates. You will have to write your set of points and then choose a rappotteur who will report for your group and answer questions that will be asked from the floor by the audience.
[someone lifts his arm wanting to make a contribution]
Yes, sir. Please if you have any contributions to make lift your hand and the microphone will be brought to you. Before you talk please identify yourself so that we all know who you are and who you represent. Sir, you!
Takubona Mapembwe
My name is Takubona Mapembwe, I am the son of a veteran of Zimbabwe’s struggle for independence. My question is, will the moderator be the rappotteur or it will be two different individuals?

Thanks sir, that’s a very good question. The moderator and the rappotteur must be two different individuals. Ok, I can see another hand, madam?

Debbie Scott:
My name is Debbie Scott, my father is a white farmer in Zimbabwe and my mother is deceased. She was the daughter of a Roman Catholic priest. My question is what’s the meaning of “different individuals”?

Thank you very much. By different individuals we mean if a man is the rappotteur a woman will have to be chosen as the moderator.
[Applause from the floor: Gender, gender, gender!]
Thank you very much, if we do not have any other point of discussion we may get into the groups of eight.


[They get into groups of eight and group discussions immediately ensue. They are sat in different groups and both Takubona and Debbie are made rappotteur for their two groups. Debbie talks about how white people in Africa have failed to identify with the continent and assume and African identity. She praises white South Africans who although they have a long and very infamous history of apartheid, consider themselves South African first before their race and has a go at white Zimbabweans whom she thinks consider themselves to be British and not Zimbabwean. Midway through her speech she speaks in both Shona and Ndebele which surprises the Zimbabwean delegation and uses this to further explore the difference between white South Africans as a permanent feature of Africa and white Zimbabweans as being withdrawn. She says the fact that people were still surprised to hear a white person speaking in vernacular was enough evidence that all was not well.
[Meanwhile Takubona's speech borders on reconciliation. Again citing the South African scenario he says the race relations there are being helped by the fact that the black government does not view reconciliation as a favour but an attitude. He gives the example of the participation of whites in sport and also the role that is given to the Afrikaans language and Afrikaner culture which in comparison was not the same attitude in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Angola which are all countries with a similar history. He says whites in Zimbabwe have continued to be viewed as foreigners and are blamed at whatever opportunity by the government. He says the decline of Zimbabwe was due to its failure to live in harmony with all its peoples. He then talks about the UK and the British and how they view their own defeat and colonisation. He reminds the meeting that Britain had been colonised by different nations until the 13th century and that as a society the British are unique in that they see the positive in both defeat and colonisation and says it is when people start to a accept the contributions made by history both positive and negative that they will start to move forward. They both receive thunderous standing ovations at the end of their speeches. We now meet them after their presentations].

Good speech. Touching, intelligent, unexpected and fulfilling.

Thanks but why unexpected. Because I am white.

Yes. You and I know that. The same with the Shona and Ndebele.

I know.

And from such a very beautiful woman too. It becomes even more touching.

Come on Takubona I expect better from you. Every other man will tell me that I am beautiful. I don’t know what you will tell me you will buy me or build for me but I guess that’s your next line.

Takubona [laughing]
Oh no, I am different. I wasn’t going to say that. That wastes my time. I was going to tell you straight away that I have fallen for you.

And what did you think I would say to that? Tell me, why these kind of relationships do not happen often back home.

I won’t tell you that because you have not yet answered me.

I know you want me to prolong it but I won’t do that. I know what I want and I have fallen for you too. But what will happen if we start experiencing problems. Let’s not pretend that this will be acceptable.

I know. It’s going to be difficult no one is denying that but we are both adults; educated for that matter.

Takubona education has nothing to do with this. Its one of those things in life that do not need anyone to be. We have to be practical. To know that we are entering into a relationship which may be thwarted on irrelevant considerations.

Stupid considerations.

They may be stupid considerations but they are considerations and they may end up affecting us. You have to know that it is a possibility that one day your daddy may lead some of their comrades to my father’s farm. What will you do?

I will reject my father. I will tell him you are not my father anymore.

Come on, Takubona let’s be mature about it. This is a practical consideration. In the same vein my father may pre-empt that attack and shoot your father; what will I do? Have you thought about all that?

We have to be strong baby. These are our parents but it does not mean we cannot go against them if their interference threatens our happiness. With love its the two of us who matter in the first instance. We have to be firm babes, and all of them should only support us. If they interfere we will still go ahead and do it our own way.



You better mean it baby, you have fallen in love with a woman who will be loyal to you and whose love is larger than life.

I like what I am hearing.



This is set at the Scotts Farm in Zimbabwe. It is set at the servants [labourers] quarters and Debbie later visits there. She is generally appreciated by the workers partly because she speaks Shona the main language in the compound. They are merry-making and singing Malawian folk lore which is popular with Zimbabwe’s farm workers.
[Debbie approaches from the farm house and the revellers together at the same time greet her]
Muri bwanji a Debbie kambada.

Debbie [she is also known as Debbie Kambada to the farm workers]
Hiya, I am fine, I am okay. Good music but I have never heard this one before. It goes mbulu mbudumbu, you guys its almost obscene in Shona though, what are playing at? [she laughs and there is an explosion of laughter that fills the room].
Imi a Debbie simuchidziwa ciYao tu? [Debbie, you don’t understand Yao language]. Anyway many people say the same even......

Debbie [interjecting]
You see so I am not alone there. You guys say I have a dirty mind but you can see I am not alone in picking that mischief.

Rade [emphasising]
Well at least this time you have other naughty persons joining you...but you are right its almost there. [and another explosion of laughter in the room].

Rade: [continuing]
It is a new release. Just off the charts [laughter].

Has gule wankulu been around recently?

Yes he came.....[interjection]

But guy, I thought we were friends....why didn’t you tell me?
[The revellers simultaneously]
You were not here Debbie and Mandebvu was also very much on our case. Anyway he stayed for just one day. [Mandebvu is the nickname of Daniel Scott, Debbie’s father because he is heavily bearded].

Debbie:[nodding and taking a seat]
Aha-a, teach me the song then. But before I proceed, you are avoiding the first question, what does mbulu mbu dhumbu mean? [and all laugh].

Rade: [with a light smile and flinch]
Park it, well it goes; mbulu mbu dumbu is a bird, ananditolela [has taken from me], cimbalamoto my motor-bike, ndalila-lila ndinde ndalila [oh I am crying and crying]. You see, not what you were thinking. [ And again they all join in laughter].
The singing ensues, Debbie joins in as drums are being played together with clattering of hands. Beer is being served together with meat and ncima. The room is eclipsed in discussion, song and dance. It is a partying mood.

Music and dancing has continued into the night. The mood is suddenly interrupted by a boastful, voice from an equally boastful and commanding white male, Bill Morgan, the farm manager.

Bill Morgan [commanding]
Hey quiet.......Debbie there? There is a sudden lull, uniform lull as the revellers conform obviously scared of the person behind the voice.
You people, someone to answer.
[with very subdued voices]
Vari kubwela Bhasi shuwa........[but before they finish]

Shut up, you bastards should not be making noise with your shit-filled, pathetic, disjointed, erratic, ancient songs which have no harmony at all. Damn your stupid.........

Debbie: [interjecting loudly]
Enough Bill, enough, you have no right to say that.

Come on, I pay their wages...I am their God, they eat because of me.

Debbie [standing up and walking away from the revellers]
Liar, my father pays their wages and your wages too. You are a worker Bill, that’s what you are. Forget the title you are a worker surviving on my father’s sweat too. [Subdued laughter from the revellers].

Bill [protesting]
I guess your father would love to hear that you are now finding warmth among ka.....

Debbie: [frowning]
So, I should find warmth under your burly? And stop there or I will expose you, stupid racist!. My father is not like you, in fact I don’t know from which dumpsite he picked you. This is Zimbabwe and the new millennium not the 17th century.

Rade[interjecting in low voice]
But, Bhasi Bill......................

Shut up, stupid.....what nonsense do you want to tell me......all of you leave at once!
[There are grumblings in the background as the revellers leave for their quarters and Bill and Debbie to theirs amidst arm throwing and quarrelling].

One reveller shouts:
It’s not Rhodesia anymore!!!

And it’s not yet Zimbabwe!


In this scene we see some of the farm labourers talking to one another about the problems and in particular, they are discussing about the working conditions on the farm.

This farm has kept us for quite a long time now. Generations of my family have worked here. But something seems very amiss now, with this manager that we have.

I must say I really don’t like Bill. He treats us as if we are his small babies. I don’t think Kambanje knows it.

You see this is where the problem is because looking at our boss, especially his daughter Kambada, they seem to be different from what we see from Bill. He does not like our kind.

That’s why I always say that we must not let them do what they want with us. We have to stand our ground. Xavier is our representative here with the Union, and we should always air our grievances.

Ah, Moyo, what are you talking about? Union? We all know that our Union has never represented us against our employers. We know that Xavier drinks the same wine and eats the same food they eat. Since the Union was formed, how many farmers have been brought before a labour court? Look at our wages, our working conditions, our living conditions......the union does not do anything about that. The Union is only interested in barking the wrong tree, the Government, and not the farmers who are our employers.

They work together with the farmers. But the government too has never really liked us. They too eat from the same place with Kambanje. If they were serious they should have forced him to build schools and clinics on this farm. They haven’t done so because they get kickbacks from our exploitation. In fact it is the work of the Government to build schools.

True but these people are making lots of money. I had sympathy for them but after yesterday I am convinced that they are not keen on our welfare. My father and mother worked in the same capacity so did his own parents. My children have begun working for them too. There are no schools here making me think that the intention is to purposefully manipulate the future of our children as future Debbie’s workers. They are being groomed to be vassals in our own free country.

Yes but can we see what is happening around us? You see we don’t eat independence. We eat from our salaries. Surrounding farms are being invaded and nothing is going to farm workers such as us. After a farm is taken over, they call their relatives from Harare and Bulawayo and give them land and then say they have empowered poor black people. Those who are getting the farms will throw the workers away and make the farms derelict land where no real farming happens.

That’s true, Mbewe, but after yesterday, I am ready for a takeover of this farm if it is to happen. We were reminded that we are still vassals in our country and I am feeling the emptiness to this day. You see if we allow this to continue, we should be prepared to have them enter our bedrooms to steal our wives as well.

White men don’t marry black, poorly-educated, poorly dressed, farm women!

I never said they will marry them. I said they will take you off your bed and do the unthinkable with your wife. After that they will abandon her without you even saying anything.

White men don’t know how to make love. Our women will never love a white man.

Come on, let’s not be naive. If white men cannot make love where are all these white children coming from? Did you ever talk to a white lady and she told you that her husband cannot make love? Let’s not wait for them to come to our bedrooms. We have to stop them before it’s too late.

I will talk to some people from the neighbourhood who have the ear of the government. They too have been watching this farm and they are unhappy.

Bring it on.

I would rather urge caution. You see our mouths can cross oceans for us but a wise person will always favour a cautious approach.

We owe it to our consciences to do the right thing for our children. Let’s go, sleep and see what our dreams tell us.

Oliver and Rade
Tomorrow always comes the next hour. Let’s think about it and decide as responsible men. Good night.