Friday, 8 January 2010

MDC Corruption


The news that MDC will finally investigate its own corruption in the UK was a natural consequence to the seriousness with which a party that was founded on the solid promise of change for the better should react to corruption. It is the right course of action and in a way in line with the seemingly “no nonsense” approach that Tendai Biti seems to have taken as Minister of Finance.

However on reading the composition of the delegation coming to investigate the corruption here: one is left questioning whether this is really an investigation or window dressing. There seems to be no congruence between the tone of the MDC’s criticism of the corruption and its actions. We are told that Lovemore Moyo, the same man who is implicated in the corruption together with Hebson Makuvise is in fact coming to lead the investigations here. The window dressing unfortunately exposes the sartorial deficit of the MDC garbs here, sewn in modernity but exposed for its seamlessness and complete lack of fasteners! Yes self-regulation is necessary moving forward but an internal audit, which is what this is essentially is, must pass the fitness test: it must not only be fair but must be seen to be fair and credible. That one of the recipients of the money and a man actually implicated in the corruption has the benefit of coming to investigate his own corruption shows either a complete lack of foresight on the MDC or their outright disregard of the people’s intelligence or both. Lovemore Moyo, Hebson Makuvise and Thokozani Khupe received funds they were not supposed to receive from the MDC UK and Ireland because they did not hold office as Treasurers of the Party. The question that should be asked of them is whether they actually insisted that the MDC UK and Ireland gives them the money. The three of them need to be investigated inasmuch as the UK Executive is being investigated unless the MDC is now telling the world that there are different rules operating at different levels; that the law that applies on their Provincial Executives does not necessarily apply against members of their National executive. All the three are knowledgeable enough to know that Party money must go through the hands of either Roy Bennett of Elton Mangoma.

Probably Hebson Makuvise could have said he deserved to be paid a salary in his role as Chief Representative of the MDC in the UK and Ireland. There he would have a point because essentially his role was a Secretariat role which should have been salaried. This was my argument in 2006 that because the representatives were appointments they could not have the same footing and standing as political, elected roles in that they should have had a salary, their remit should be in an envoy capacity with little or limited interference with political structures. This has logic as one can never blow hot and cold at the same time and an official appointment could never have the same standing as an elected office bearer. In the later case the role is voluntary, you can not have a salary as a party politician. But Hebson Makuvise can not have a salary that the Secretary General and the Treasurer General of the Party did not know of, his salary could not be a secret in a Party that is supposed to be transparent. Makuvise’s Deputy, Emily Madamombe, who actually was the activist and if surely an appointment was vested in rewarding activism Emily deserved recognition more than Hebson Makuvise who did not even have an MDC Party card until the first mention of his appointment in 2006.

But even Emily does not have a clue of such salaries. In fact all other Chief Representatives in South Africa, Canada, USA and South Africa were not paid. Why then is the rule exceptional where it comes to Hebson Makuvise? Does it mean he was a level higher than all the other Chief Representatives put together? It is legitimate to investigate the nexus between his alleged relationship to the Prime Minister and MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai and the preferential treatment that he is getting. The struggle will be in vain if its main aim is to create a new clique of “untouchables”. Zimbabwe’s newest Ambassador to Germany is approaching the diplomatic calls with dirty hands. So many allegations have been levelled against him and his cabal to the extent that in the UK they are now referred to as the “Buhera Mafia”. Germany is a country with vast opportunities, it is by far the largest economy in Europe, the third richest nation on earth and the world’s largest exporter. Zimbabwe can tap in the opportunities that abound. We need shrewd representation at ambassadorial level; one that is nimble footed, ambi-dexterious, courageous, transparent, accountable, honest and patriotic. An ambassador who starts his role with a serious allegation of corruption hanging over him, where he is implicated in the kleptomaniac disenfranchisement of ordinary people’s capacity to run their province by stealing their card money, can never be trusted with the possible billions that Germany and its many reputable Trans-National Corporations offer.

It is the same with Moyo, he is implicated, the card money that was due to the MDC coffers is said to have ended-up lining his pockets. It is sad that a party that is keen on maintaining vibrant and credible “checks and balance” could see it fit that a person implicated in a scandal can actually investigate himself. The impression being set by MDC is that they are only prepared to investigate those in lower offices and not the so-called big guys. Something is not changing then, because this is what has destroyed our country already. If MDC wants to be taken seriously as a party that will go all the way in ending corruption in Zimbabwe and not to be seen as a conniving misfit that plies on the gullibility of the masses, Mai Makone, Thoko, Moyo and Makuvise must all be suspended pending allegations. That way MDC will showcase itself as a party separate from the others. They will give confidence to Zimbabweans that they are ready to claim their spot as the party that will promote transparency and refuse to allow corruption to exist in perpetuity. Failure to deal with it will all but assure Zimbabweans of its gradual decline into a party that will maintain the culture of revolutionary aristocracy.

Yes, all have very influential positions both in government and in the party. But as long as they are this corrupt they do not add value to the electorate and MDC’s aspirations if they are still in conformity with the aspirations of all of us: to have a transparent, corruption free country that is led by a credible, accountable and focussed leadership. People who behave the way they did, if it’s true, represent an antithesis to the MDC in particular and Zimbabwe in general. They will lead all of us into an anticlimax and will not help our collective aspirations. A Speaker of parliament who is that weak to the lure of the pound does not deserve that post. A minister who is weak to the lure of the pound does not deserve our trust. I agree MDC may lose excellence in the process. But it has to be consistent in the right direction. It is better to choose mediocrity ahead of excellence as long as the mediocrity is in tangency with principles. Yes, there is past heroism in some of the comrades involved. But their heroism in light of the allegations now seems to have been in pursuit of illegitimate aims. As long as heroism pursues unchallenged corruption as the reward it worse than being a mercenary.

Communities Point pursues an ethos of transparency, accountability, trust, respect and equality. Given our history, the MDC has been a natural ally but we are ashamed in the way it continues to depart from its founding principles. We are hoping that going forward, MDC will see this as the opportunity to reconnect.

Julius Sai Mutyambizi-Dewa
Chairman Communities Point: ; jmutyambizidewa@communitiespoint.comor or 00447529705413 or07984254830

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